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Spain. Extensive destruction caused by an explosive device. No further info.

Fig.1 Extensive destruction caused by an explosive device.

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Fig.1 Typical postmortem changes combined with mud and debris.

Body recovered from water

| Accident, Decomposition, Drowning | No Comments
Typical postmortem changes combined with mud and debris as well as sloughing of the skin of the hands…
Fig.1 Pugilistic attitude of a burned body.

Pugilistic attitude of a burned body

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Nassau County, New York. This photo depicts the position the body assumes as a result of intense heat…

Bodies of missing couple found buried in a vegetable garden

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September, 2020 - Jacareí, Brazil. An elderly man identified as Benedito Moreira was arrested on Tuesday, September 22,…
Fig.1 Stellate-shaped contact wound of the forehead.

Stellate-shaped contact wound of the forehead

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In contact gunshot wounds with bony tissue underlying the injury, the injuries are typically called a stellate wound,…